Warning regarding Insurancy.de

The german company Insurancy.de uses the registred trademarks Indigo Expat and Moncey Assurances (cf screenshot here after) without any agreement. Therefore, the use of these trademarks is illegal.

The german company Insurancy.de has no agreement to present or to sell any Indigo Expat‘s products. A legal procedure started against this company, and the regulators in France and Germany are awared of this illegal practice.


Even by using brands that it is not authorized to use, this german company lies to internet users about Indigo Expat products. For example, Lebanon is an excluded country for Indigo Expat’s plans since 2023.

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What the goal for Insurancy.de impostors?

What could motivate this company to engage illegal practices? Probably recent market activity. And a lack of notoriety. This company imagines to compensate its lack of notoriety by creating an illusion. This illusion involves the association of its brand with well-known brands that have been present on the market for a long time. By using these brands, this german company hopes to attract part of their notoriety. But also to facilitate the referencing of its web pages on google. Because the more products and trademarks you mention on your website, the more google page references and bring them up when an internet user searches for a product. So this german company behaves like a parasite. The idea is to lure and to divert internet users to its website Insurancy.de.

After the illusion, the return to reality obliges this german company to sell something else to internet users who fell into its net. If the scam is well set up, the vague explanations can divert the internet users and push them to subscribe to another contract.


The Insurancy.de imposture: isolated decision or not?

Moncey Assurances and Indigo Expat are not very present on the german market. So who could have pushed these impostors towards our brands? Is there any motivation to look at certain suppliers listed such by this german company? For example: April, Allianz, etc. The future will tell us.


In any case, these suppliers should question the reputability of this german company and these practices. By associating their brand to this german company, Allianz, April, Cigna, etc have a negative image on the market. And if one considers the regulation in force and the POG, these suppliers have interest not to continue to associate their brands with these illegal practices.


Distribution of Indigo Expat products

Two specialized brokers in international private medical insurance are allowed to distribute Indigo Expat solutions. Neither is Insurancy.de. It is obviously Moncey Assurances. And Expat Courtage, with which Moncey Assurances has a distribution agreement in force.


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Insurancy.de and legal considerations

Note that an international private medical insurance does not remplace local legal obligations. The use of tardemarks without agreement, as practiced by Insurancy.de, is illegal.