Worldwide Global Movement Report

Global Movement Report. The events of the past 18 months have been tumultuous to say the least – with fluctuating freight rates, a container ship stuck in the Suez Canal, and one of the worst pandemics in living memory, just to name a few. But as the old saying goes, calm seas don’t make for good sailors. While the future grants us the benefit of hindsight, our task for today is to gather more information.

In addition to our own data based on day-to-day interactions with customers, we decided to engage a broader sample of people from around the world in the form of a comprehensive survey on global movement.

Worldwide Global Movement Report

In this survey, we asked people where they were moving and why, and how the pandemic has affected their plans.
We also investigated the underlying factors people consider when moving abroad – many of which may have been re-prioritised or adjusted since the pandemic began. It became clear that Covid-19 has not only affected people on a practical level, but on an emotional level as well; causing many to revisit their motivations for moving abroad.

Our research further revealed that while people often do have specific reasons for deciding whether or not to move, they primarily do so as a means of creating their own opportunities, rather than in response to circumstances. Whatever your industry, we hope you find this report helpful and informative – and that together, we can apply these insights towards a future in which we all can move around with agility, safety and reassurance.


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Global Movement